Highlights: Beach & Ocean
Appreciating Nature Interactive Experience
Highlights: Beach & Ocean
Appreciating Nature Interactive Experience
Content Summary
Our activity cards provide children ages 3 - 5 a fun-filled audio experience that inspires them to play and engage through stories, poems, questions, facts, jokes, movement and imagination games. Each card set is comprised of 5 cards. Partnering with Highlights, our activity card sets bring Highlights’ timeless content to life!
From playful poems to fun activities, learning scientific facts about beaches and oceans is a “breeze” when using Storypod’s interactive Card Sets! This audio experience is designed to get your child moving, listening, and thinking about all things aquatic. With a simple tap on a Storypod, each activity card in the set brings your child fascinating lessons about the oceans of the world, sea creatures, schooling fish, coral reefs, and more. High-quality content and a little imagination are all it takes to bring out the scientist in your young learner!
This Card Set Includes:
- At the Beach
- What is Sand?
- Oceans of the World
- Reefs Under the Sea
- Why Fish Like School
Learning Topics
- The Oceans of Our World
- Ocean Animals
- Sand & Beaches
- Scientific Facts
- Movement & Imagination
Credits & Copyright
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