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  • Wooden blocks lay scattered at a child's feet. Stacking blocks is a simple activity that encourages problem solving skills in young children.

    6 Simple Games That Encourage Problem Solving Skills

    From being able to accomplish goals to overcoming frustrating social interactions, problem solving skills are essential to move through the ups and downs of life. As with most things, consistent and regular practice is necessary to strengthen these skills so that they can be utilized with ease when the situation calls for it. At 3 years of age, children learn a lot from play. When it comes to problem solving, they practice patience, thinking outside the box, and trial and error.

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  • A pair of 3-year-old boys take turns playing with Storypod's Sugar Monster Craftie. Being able to manipulate items in one's hands is an important motor skill that children are still strengthening at this age.

    What Can I Do to Strengthen Motor Skills in My 3-Year-Old?

    Motor skills refer to your child's ability to move and use their bodies to participate in everyday activities. It includes everything from walking to using their hands to hold a crayon and draw. Motor skills are essential for a child’s growth and development, as they enable them to interact with their environment and take care of themselves. These skills grow gradually over time, but there are ways you can help strengthen, practice, and reinforce your 3-year-old’s progressing motor development.

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  • Three child's stuffed animals lie side by side, neatly tucked in with a blanket. Creating a serene, organized environment for your toddler is helpful for fostering independence.

    Create a Serene & Organized Environment That Will Foster Independence

    Creating a serene and organized environment for your child is one of the most effective ways to foster independence in them. When a child has a clean, structured, and orderly environment, they are more likely to develop good habits, become more responsible, and feel more in control of their surroundings.

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  • 3-year-old girl wears an expression of tearful sadness on her face. Tantrums are normal part of the toddler phase and must be managed properly in order to develop emotional regulation in your child.

    Managing Tantrums in Your 3-Year-Old

    Being a toddler isn't easy! They're learning to navigate a big world with growing independence and feelings of frustration and disappointment are bound to come up. Often, these big feelings can be too much for them to process and tantrums can occur. But don't worry! At this age, these occasional outbursts are normal. Learning how to properly manage tantrums can make all the difference in this being just a "phase" instead of something they fall back on everytime they don't get their way. Educate yourself on why they happen, have a plan, stay consistent, and in no time your child's blow ups will be a thing of the past.

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  • Two sets of hands hold cell phones, their owners completely engrossed by the screen

    Is My Own Screen Time Affecting My Children?

    The science behind the effects of screen time on developing minds is well known to most parents. But does adult screen time affect children, as well? While our brains may be fully developed, our screen time can still be detrimental. When parents are overly absorbed by their technology, they tune-out what’s going on around them.

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  • Toddler peacefully plays with toy  car independently

    Independent Play: What are Reasonable Expectations for Toddlers?

    From bathing to entertaining, toddlers require enormous amounts of attention. Invested parents understand that this is a critical time for their child and will do their best to engage with their children in meaningful activities. Moreover, there’s an enormous pressure for parents to shower their children with attention as to develop their self esteem. Although this is all good and well, learning to play independently is an important skill for their development and should be incorporated daily.

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  • Young child sleeps peacefully next to stuffed bunny

    Creating the Perfect Bedtime Routine in 5 Easy Steps

    There’s no doubt that parents of children of all ages understand the importance of sleep. Aside from preserving parental sanity, a child’s sleep is critical for their development. According to the CDC and the Sleep Foundation, adequate sleep is crucial for preventing poor mental health, obesity, type 2 diabetes, a weakened immune system, and both attention and behavior problems. Yet somehow, about 30% of children in the U.S. don’t get enough sleep.

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  • Grandmother and 3-year-old grandson stand together at the sink washing up. 3-year-old are eager to be helpers and giving them chores to do will help them feel a sense of independence and accomplishment.

    7 Simple Chores Your Little "Helper" Will Love Doing

    At three years old, children are beginning to develop their independence and sense of responsibility. Giving them age-appropriate chores can help foster these qualities, while also teaching them valuable life skills. Your toddler will beam with pride as they accomplish important tasks that contribute to their household. They'll also understand that a household and family function when everyone helps.

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  • 3-year-old boy laughs with glee as he plays with the water coming out of a garden hose. Letting your child take risks is one factor of raising independent children.

    5 Tips for Fostering Independence in Your Toddler

    Toddlers are at a stage in their development where they are eager to explore and learn about the world around them. As parents or caregivers, it is important to foster their independence so that they can develop important life skills and become more self-sufficient.

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  • 1-year-old girl wears a happy but quizzical expression in front of a red background.

    Do Nursery Rhymes Benefit My Child?

    From Baa Baa Black Sheep to I'm a Little Teapot, nursery rhymes have been used for ages as a way for adults to engage their children. It turns out, these simple poems and songs actually pack quite a punch in helping your child develop and learn! Read on to discover the benefits of practicing rhymes with your little one.

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  • Toddler girl sits on mother's lap, reading, while mother holds book and Storypod's Craftie Fox

    Why is Rhyming Such an Important Early Literacy Skill?

    Children love to rhyme. From catchy tunes to silly poems, the rhythm and sing-songy tones that naturally come out when rhyming are fun and do wonders for engaging their little minds. But did you know that rhyming is also an important part of learning how to read?

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  • Three children engage in sensory play by exploring sand and toys in a sensory bin.

    The Importance of Providing Your Child with Rich Sensory Experiences

    In the early stages of life, the five senses are the most important tools that our little ones have to gather information about the world around them. As your child feels textures, absorbs shapes, and takes in new sounds, they are engaging in discovery, exercising their memories, and making connections.

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