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  • Two colorful children's bikes are parked facing each other outside of a brick building with greenery. Going on a family bike ride is one free activity you can try out with your toddler this weekend for some family fun.

    5 Free Weekend Activities to Do with Your Toddler for Some Family Fun

    Weekends are a precious time for families to come together and create lasting memories. Finding fun and engaging activities to do with your toddler doesn't have to break the bank. In fact, there are plenty of free options that can provide quality family time and create unforgettable experiences.

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  • An array of children's clothes hand outside on a line to dry. Teaching your children to dress themselves early is a great way to start facilitating their independence.

    Tips & Tricks for Teaching Your Child to Dress Themselves

    Teaching your toddler to dress themselves is an important milestone in their development. It promotes independence, builds self-confidence, and enhances their fine motor skills. However, it can be a challenging task for both parents and children.

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  • Black and white photo of the back of a 2-year-old girl's slightly bowed head. Timeout is an effective method of discipline at this age, if done correctly.

    How to Execute an Effective Timeout

    As a parent of a toddler, you may find yourself dealing with misbehavior or problem behavior on a regular basis. And while it can be stressful, there's no reason to fret as this is a natural part of raising children. While discipline strategies vary from family to family, timeouts have proven to be an effective method of child discipline.

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  • 3-year-old girls smiles and sips on a juice box. Teaching your toddler age-appropriate skills that lead to independence will make your little one feel capable!

    10 Things You Can Teach Your 3-Year-Old

    As parents, it's our responsibility to equip our children with essential life skills that will foster independence and empower them to navigate the world confidently. The early years provide a crucial foundation for their development, and teaching these skills at the age of 3 can have a lasting impact. In this blog post, we will explore ten fundamental life skills that your 3-year-old is ready to learn this year that will encourage independence and self-reliance, enabling them to flourish in various aspects of life.

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  •  A 3-year-old girl writes her name on a piece of paper using a marker. Writing their name is a great way for a child this age to begin learning their letter formations.

    Teaching Your 3-Year-Old to Write Their Name

    Teaching your 3-year-old child to write their name can be a fun and engaging activity that lays the foundation for their future success in writing. Children are charmingly self-centered at this age, and being able to write their name can be a big motivator in getting them to learn how to write their letters.

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  • A collection of toys are displayed in a shop window, including a child's toy clock in the center. There are several ways to help your 3-year-old to understand time concepts.

    Helping Your 3-Year-Old Understand Time Concepts

    The concept of time is not an easy one for very young children to understand. At 3 years of age, children will have some understanding of sequence, (ie: first we take a bath, then we clean up our room, then we have a bedtime story.) They may also have an idea of how long things take, although not necessary through measurable means. Instead, they'll know it through more vague terms like, "Driving to Grandma's takes a long time," and "Putting on my shoes takes a short time." On the other hand, understanding terms like tomorrow and yesterday can be confusing. Help your child start understanding time concepts with a few tips and tricks!

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  • 3-year-old girl in a ladybug costume runs across a grassy lawn. At 3 years of age, your child is continuing to develop their gross motor skills such as running, jumping, and climbing.

    Activities That Will Help Your 3-Year-Old Develop Their Gross Motor Skills

    Gross motor skills involve the coordination and control of the large muscles in the body, enabling children to perform physical activities such as running and jumping. At 3 years of age, your child is strengthening abilities such as going up and down stairs with growing independence, throwing and kicking a ball, and balancing themselves on one foot.

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  • 3-year-old boy and older sister lovely smile and talk with one another. At 3 years, your child's language will have an active vocabulary of around 300 words or more.

    What Does Your Child's Language Look & Sound Like at 3-Years-Old?

    By age 3, most children have developed an active vocabulary of around 300 words or more and can form sentences with 3-4 words. They are also able to understand and follow simple instructions and can communicate their basic needs and wants effectively. Their speech may still be somewhat difficult to understand for unfamiliar listeners, but they are able to make themselves understood by those who are familiar with their speech patterns.

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  • 1-year-old baby lays on his stomach and plays with wooden toys and books. There are many screen-free ways to engage your child when you are busy.

    Screen-Free Ways to Engage Your Child When You're Busy

    As a parent, you may find yourself busy with work or household chores, but you still want to engage your 1-year-old in meaningful activities that do not involve screens. Involving your little one in screen-free activities not only helps to develop their cognitive, motor, and social skills but also increases their independence and creativity. But it's not always easy to find something that keeps their attention and requires only light supervision!

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  • 3-year-old girl bites into a large slice of watermelon. Creating healthy eating habits in your child early will set them up with a lifetime of good health.

    Teaching Your Toddler Healthy Eating Habits

    There's tons of information out there for parents about "good" food and "bad" foods and, frankly, it can be a bit overwhelming! With all the (sometimes conflicting) literature, advertisements for "organic" or "whole" foods, and tons of social media posts about "clean" family lifestyles, what is the modern, busy parent to do? Read on to discover a few simple tips and tricks that will help you to develop healthy eating habits in your child without overthinking!

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  • A pair of child's hands plays with a set of square blocks. At 3-years-old, your child will begin to recognize and sort shapes.

    5 Shape Sorting Activities Your 3-Year-Old Will Love!

    As children develop and grow, they start to understand and recognize the world around them in new ways. One of the key areas of development for young children is their ability to recognize shapes. It's fascinating to observe how 3-year-olds start to notice and identify the basic shapes that make up the world around them, such as circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles. As they become more aware of these shapes, they can start to categorize and differentiate them, which lays the foundation for more complex learning later in life.

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  • A father gleefully tosses his 3-year-old daughter in the air. Creating a safe a nurturing environment is one way to build honesty in your little one at this age.

    Building Honesty in Your 3-Year-Old

    Honesty is a fundamental value that is highly valued in every society. It is essential to instill honesty in children from a young age to help them become trustworthy and reliable adults. This virtue is not only about telling the truth but also being sincere, reliable, and accountable. Children learn honesty through modeling, praise, and consistent reinforcement.

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