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  • A group of three 5-year-olds surround a globe to examine it with a magnifying glass. Teaching your child a growth mindset in important for them to have success in many areas, including academically.

    Raising Your Little One with a Growth Mindset

    Every parent wants their little ones to grow up to be confident, resilient, and capable of overcoming any obstacles that come their way. One powerful way to help them develop these skills is by fostering a growth mindset from an early age. A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication, effort, and learning. By instilling this mindset in our 5-year-olds, we can empower them to embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, and love the process of learning.

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  • Toddler enjoying a read-along audiobook with her Storypod

    Creating a Positive Learning Environment at Home

    Your home is your child’s first classroom and you are their first teacher. The environment that you provide will determine how ready they will be to receive learning and expectations once they start school. It will also provide the foundation to how they approach life. Will they be organized? Will they be problem solvers? Will they be curious and well rounded? Studies show that these traits are heavily influenced by a child’s environment. Fortunately,  creating a positive learning environment in which your child will thrive is simple with a few intentional practices at home.

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  • 6-year-old girl stands in a field, ready to blow on a dandelion. Encouraging your child's social emotional development by supporting their mental health is crucial to their future well-being.

    How to Support Your 6-Year-Old's Mental Health: Nurturing Social Emotional Development

    It's no secret that it is crucial to prioritize your child's mental health and social-emotional development. The early years are a critical period for building a solid foundation for your little one's overall well-being. By actively supporting your 6-year-old's mental health and fostering their social-emotional development, you can help them thrive and navigate life's challenges with resilience.

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  • A pair of child's hands cut a ball of play dough with a toy knife. Using pray dough to recreate sight words is one fun way to practice this important literacy skill.

    10 Fun Ways to Practice Sight Words

    Sight words play a crucial role in early literacy and reading development. These are commonly used words that children need to recognize and read by sight, rather than sounding them out phonetically. By incorporating engaging and interactive activities into sight word practice, children can enhance their reading skills while having fun.

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  • A stack of colorful dice lay on a table. Using the "roll & retell" method is a fun way for your child to practice reading comprehension after reading a story.

    Using the "Roll & Retell" Method for Reading Comprehension

    Your 6-year-old is learning a lot about reading comprehension in school this year! After each story, their teacher is likely teaching them to describe the setting, identify the problem and solution, and make connections with their own lives. You can help your child solidify their reading comprehension skills with a simple game that they're sure to love!

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  • Mother and son sit on couch while reading a book. You can strengthen your child's literacy skills by using their favorite books.

    How to Strengthen Your Child’s Literacy Skills Using Their Favorite Books

    Does your child ask for more books on a particular subject, in their favorite series, or by their favorite authors? That’s good news for many reasons! It means your child is developing background knowledge about characters, situations, events, and people that they read about.

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  • 6-year-old boy in baseball uniform swings his bat and hits the ball. Enrolling your child into organized sports is one way to keep them regularly active at this age.

    10 Tips for Keeping Your Little One Regularly Active

    Encouraging physical activity is crucial for the healthy development of our children's physical, cognitive, and social well-being. But with the modern family's busy schedule and ever-present competition for our children's attention through screens, it's getting harder and harder to keep our little ones active. Fortunately, 6-year-olds are eager to engage in fun activities that get them moving and there are plenty of simple tips and tricks you can use to make time for physical fitness!

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  • 4-year-old girl stacks colored blocks on a table. Block stacking is one simple activity that can help your child strengthen their pattern recognition skills.

    Strengthen Your Child's Pattern Recognition Skills with These Easy Activities

    Pattern recognition is an important cognitive skill that helps children to develop their critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical abilities. It enables them to make sense of the world around them and recognize the underlying structures and relationships between different objects and ideas. Simple activities can be done at home to help strengthen a child's pattern recognition skills.

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  • 6-year-old boy reads a book on his lap. Children at this age should be reading regularly each day.

    How Often Should My 6-Year-Old be Expected to Read?

    It's widely known that reading is one of the major predictors of success in children. Not only does it facilitate academic (and later career) achievement, it's also one of those simple pleasures that host a wide range of benefits, such as creativity and relaxation. At the age of 6, most children are just beginning to learn to read, and it is normal for them to progress at different rates. However, parents may wonder how much their child should be reading at this age to ensure that they are on track and developing good reading habits.

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  • 5-Year-Old boy lies on the ground with his eyes closed, a smile on his face, and his hands behind his head. Teaching your child to keep a "calm body" is a great way to set them of for success in the area of self-regulation.

    Help Your Child Keep a "Calm Body" with a Few, Simple Strategies

    Children often find it challenging to keep their energy levels in check and stay calm. With all the excitement and stimulation around them, it's no wonder they sometimes have trouble settling down.

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  • 4-year-old girl in a black and white floral dress holds a bouquet of white flowers and playfully covers one eye. At 4 years of age, children should be strengthening some essential life skills such as communication, self-advocacy, and self-care.

    6 Life Skills You Should be Teaching Your Child This Year

    We want to give our children the best possible start in life and one way to do this is by teaching them important life skills from a young age. At 4-years-old, your little one is making rapid developments in their language, socialization, and cognitive ability. It's the perfect time to start buckling down on life skills that will ensure confidence, independence, and success!

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  • Child stands in front of two paths, one going left and one going right. There are several ways to help your child to learn to distinguish their left from their right.

    Help Your Child to Distinguish Their Left from Their Right

    Teaching young children to distinguish their left from their right can be a challenging task. For most adults, it is something that we take for granted, but for young children, it can be a difficult concept to grasp!

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