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  • 6-Year-Old girl lays in a field, hugging her teddy bear. Raising a body positive child early is important for their future self-esteem.

    How to Raise a Body Positive Child

    Raising a body-positive child is essential for their mental and physical well-being and it's something that needs to start early in order to have lasting effects. Showing them how to appreciate their bodies and understand that everyone comes in different shapes and sizes will not only help their self-esteem, but will teach them to be open and accepting to all sorts of people in the future.

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  • How Much Physical Activity Should My 2-Year-Old be Engaging In?

    How Much Physical Activity Should My 2-Year-Old be Engaging In?

    Physical activity is important for everyone, regardless of age. It promotes physical and mental health, as well as social and emotional well-being. For young children, physical activity is particularly important as it helps them develop gross and fine motor skills, coordination, balance, and strength. As a parent, you may be wondering how much physical activity your 2-year-old should be engaging in.

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  • A one year old baby boy gives a big smile. By the end of the first year, your child will have made important strides in their language development.

    What Should My Baby's Language Look Like by the End of the 1st Year?

    It's been an exciting year with many new milestones and developments. This includes your child's language! By the end of the first year, most children will have developed some basic language skills that will set them up to really start talking in the next few years.

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  • A 1-year-old boy walks hand in hand with his father. Most children will begin walking at between 10-18 months of age. Providing opportunities for movement is important for encouraging their motor skill development.

    Encouraging Motor Skill Development in Your 1-Year-Old

    Your 1-year-old is rapidly developing in many ways, but some of their biggest milestones this year will involve their movement, more specifically the development of their motor skills. Gross motor skills are those movements that involve the whole body, such as walking, running, and jumping. Fine motor skills, on the other hand, are those small movements that involve the muscles in our hands and wrists. They involve hand-eye coordination and include activities such as using utensils, holding a crayon, and manipulating toys. As a parent, there are many things you can do to help your 1-year-old develop these important motor skills this year!

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  • A first grade boy sits at a desk writing on a piece of paper. Providing your little one with creative story-starters is a great way to encourage them to practice their writing skills.

    10 Story Starters for Your 1st Grader

    Storytelling is an important skill that helps children develop their creativity, imagination, and language skills. As a parent, you can encourage your first-grader to start telling stories by providing them with interesting story starters that will ignite their imagination and spark their creativity. By the end of 1st grade, children should be able to write a paragraph of about 3 to 4 sentences. So while they won't be able to write anything too complex quite yet, they can write a short, simple story and accompany it with an illustration.

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  • What Self-Care Skills is My 2-Year-Old Capable of Doing Independently?

    What Self-Care Skills is My 2-Year-Old Capable of Doing Independently?

    Toddlers are at a critical stage in their development where they are learning about themselves, their surroundings, and how to interact with others. One important aspect of this development is learning independence. While it may seem daunting for parents to encourage their toddlers to be independent, it is crucial for their growth and success later in life. Teaching independence allows them to develop a sense of self, build confidence, and gain the skills necessary to tackle challenges on their own. One of the best places to start this journey is with self-care skills! Your 2-year-old will naturally gravitate toward trying things themselves and mimicking the actions of the adults and older siblings around them. Encourage their growing interest and independence by giving them the space to strengthen these skills.

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  • Two, small boys play together by manipulating items in a tiny pond. At 2-years-old, it is important to exercise your child's fine motor skills by allowing them to play with objects that exercise the muscles in their hands.

    Fine Motor Skills in the 2nd Year

    Fine motor skills are the abilities that involve the use of small muscles in the hands and fingers. These skills are crucial for children's development as they help with tasks such as holding a pencil, cutting with scissors, and manipulating small objects. At two years old, you'll notice your little one manipulating objects with more ease than ever before (see how quickly they can get a piece of candy out of a wrapper!) Finding opportunities to exercise these skills is always helpful, though!

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  • 3-year-old boy and older sister lovely smile and talk with one another. At 3 years, your child's language will have an active vocabulary of around 300 words or more.

    What Does Your Child's Language Look & Sound Like at 3-Years-Old?

    By age 3, most children have developed an active vocabulary of around 300 words or more and can form sentences with 3-4 words. They are also able to understand and follow simple instructions and can communicate their basic needs and wants effectively. Their speech may still be somewhat difficult to understand for unfamiliar listeners, but they are able to make themselves understood by those who are familiar with their speech patterns.

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  • A 4-year-old girl holds her elbow with a forlorn expression. Teaching children at this age to identify their emotions is important for self-regulation and learning to sympathize with others.

    Teaching Your 4-Year-Old to Identify Emotions

    As children grow up, it's important to teach them how to identify and manage their emotions. A child who can identify and communicate their emotions is more likely to self-regulate and deal with them in a healthy manner. Furthermore, they will be able to perceive these emotions in others and have more compassion and better social interactions as they grow older. As a parent or caregiver, you can start teaching your 4-year-old how to identify emotions using some simple techniques.

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  • 4-year-old boy sits in a grass field while reading a book. Reading books is one of the best ways to grow your child's descriptive vocabulary.

    Try These Fun Activities to Get Your 4-Year-Old to Use Descriptive Vocabulary

    Your child's vocabulary is exploding this year, and one aspect of their language you can really work on growing is their ability to describe things. Engaging in fun, creative activities that engage the five senses is a great way to encourage young children to use descriptive vocabulary. From games that rely on their sense of sight or activities that encourage noticing smells and textures, there are plenty of ways to evolve your child's descriptive language in ways that are enjoyable for both of you!

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  • A colorful children's abacus sits on a table. There are many fun ways to practice addition and subtraction with your kindergartener.

    Easy Addition & Subtraction Games for Kindergarteners

    Your kindergartener will begin learning about basic addition and subtraction within 10 this year. While it can be a challenging task for many, these mathematical concepts can be easily mastered when practiced through interactive and engaging activities.

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  • 1-year-old baby lays on his stomach and plays with wooden toys and books. There are many screen-free ways to engage your child when you are busy.

    Screen-Free Ways to Engage Your Child When You're Busy

    As a parent, you may find yourself busy with work or household chores, but you still want to engage your 1-year-old in meaningful activities that do not involve screens. Involving your little one in screen-free activities not only helps to develop their cognitive, motor, and social skills but also increases their independence and creativity. But it's not always easy to find something that keeps their attention and requires only light supervision!

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