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  • 3-year-old girls smiles and sips on a juice box. Teaching your toddler age-appropriate skills that lead to independence will make your little one feel capable!

    10 Things You Can Teach Your 3-Year-Old

    As parents, it's our responsibility to equip our children with essential life skills that will foster independence and empower them to navigate the world confidently. The early years provide a crucial foundation for their development, and teaching these skills at the age of 3 can have a lasting impact. In this blog post, we will explore ten fundamental life skills that your 3-year-old is ready to learn this year that will encourage independence and self-reliance, enabling them to flourish in various aspects of life.

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  • A pair of child's hands cut a ball of play dough with a toy knife. Using pray dough to recreate sight words is one fun way to practice this important literacy skill.

    10 Fun Ways to Practice Sight Words

    Sight words play a crucial role in early literacy and reading development. These are commonly used words that children need to recognize and read by sight, rather than sounding them out phonetically. By incorporating engaging and interactive activities into sight word practice, children can enhance their reading skills while having fun.

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  •  A 3-year-old girl writes her name on a piece of paper using a marker. Writing their name is a great way for a child this age to begin learning their letter formations.

    Teaching Your 3-Year-Old to Write Their Name

    Teaching your 3-year-old child to write their name can be a fun and engaging activity that lays the foundation for their future success in writing. Children are charmingly self-centered at this age, and being able to write their name can be a big motivator in getting them to learn how to write their letters.

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  • 2-year-old child walks down a path while holding an inflatable from-themed pool floatie. Gross motor skills refer to the physical abilities that involve the use of large muscles in the body and are rapidly developing in your child at this age.

    Gross Motor Skills at 2-Years-Old

    Gross motor skills refer to the physical abilities that involve the use of large muscles in the body. These skills are essential for everyday activities such as running, jumping, and climbing. As children grow, they gradually develop and improve their gross motor skills, and this process begins early on.

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  • A group of kindergarteners walk to school together with their backpacks on. Kindergarten is an important time to develop your child's social skills as their time at school will depend greatly on how well their interactions with others go.

    What Social Skills Should My 5-Year-Old Have?

    At the age of five, children are developing important social skills that will set the foundation for their future interactions with others. This year is a particularly important one since many 5-year-olds are starting school for the first time! As a parent, it's important to support your child's social development by helping them to develop important social skills.

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  • A stack of colorful dice lay on a table. Using the "roll & retell" method is a fun way for your child to practice reading comprehension after reading a story.

    Using the "Roll & Retell" Method for Reading Comprehension

    Your 6-year-old is learning a lot about reading comprehension in school this year! After each story, their teacher is likely teaching them to describe the setting, identify the problem and solution, and make connections with their own lives. You can help your child solidify their reading comprehension skills with a simple game that they're sure to love!

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  • Two-year-old boy with a hooded jacket on stares up at the sky. At this age, your toddler is making rapid development in their understanding of language, emotion, social interactions, time, cause and effect, and much more!

    What Can My 2-Year-Old Understand?

    A two-year-old child is at an exciting stage of development as they begin to explore the world around them and develop a better understanding of their surroundings. At this age, children can understand and communicate using basic language, show curiosity about the world, and engage in simple play activities.

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  • Mother and son sit on couch while reading a book. You can strengthen your child's literacy skills by using their favorite books.

    How to Strengthen Your Child’s Literacy Skills Using Their Favorite Books

    Does your child ask for more books on a particular subject, in their favorite series, or by their favorite authors? That’s good news for many reasons! It means your child is developing background knowledge about characters, situations, events, and people that they read about.

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  • A pair of boys play with an outdoor water fountain in their swimming trunks. At 5-years-old, your child is ready to play outside with more independence. Just be sure to consider safety factors before sending your child to go play alone.

    Safety Tips for Outdoor Play

    Playing outside is an essential part of childhood and highly recommended by experts as a means to get exercise, gain independence, and find joy away from technology. It also allows children to explore and learn about the world around them. However, as a parent, it's important to ensure that your child stays safe while playing outside.

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  • 6-year-old boy in baseball uniform swings his bat and hits the ball. Enrolling your child into organized sports is one way to keep them regularly active at this age.

    10 Tips for Keeping Your Little One Regularly Active

    Encouraging physical activity is crucial for the healthy development of our children's physical, cognitive, and social well-being. But with the modern family's busy schedule and ever-present competition for our children's attention through screens, it's getting harder and harder to keep our little ones active. Fortunately, 6-year-olds are eager to engage in fun activities that get them moving and there are plenty of simple tips and tricks you can use to make time for physical fitness!

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  • Mother gleefully lifts her 1-year-old daughter in the air while sitting outside. 1-year-olds can understand many things, including emotions and several words and phrases.

    What Can My 1-Year-Old Understand?

    One-year-olds are curious little beings who are constantly exploring their surroundings and discovering new things. They are at a stage in their lives where they are learning and absorbing information at an incredible rate. As a parent, it is natural to wonder what your one-year-old understands and how you can facilitate their learning.

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  •  Two toddlers play with a washcloth and container of water outside. Two-year-olds are at the stage of development in which they are engaging in symbolic and sequence play.

    Playing with Your 2-Year-Old: Symbolic and Sequence Play

    Playing with your 2-year-old can be such a source of delight. Your little one is developing at such a rapid rate, after all, it's hard not to be completely fascinated and charmed by their new abilities! At this age, children are beginning to develop their imaginations and are learning how to use symbols to represent real-world objects. As a result, playtime can be a great opportunity to encourage symbolic and sequence play, which are essential for early childhood development.

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